Domestic Services
About Our Service
Synchronicity Care Limited (SCL) offers a comprehensive cleaning service that is responsive, flexible, and conducted to very high NHS standards. The department employees approximately 200 domestic staff who provide an environmental cleaning service 24/7, 365 days per years across the Trust’s premises.
The team are responsible for ensuring a pleasant and welcoming environment for everyone, but also their work prevents the spread of infection, ensuring that patients, staff, and visitors receive safe and high quality care whilst on our premises and enjoy a positive experience.
We conduct NSHC (National Standards Healthcare Cleanliness) and PLACE (Patient Led Assessments of the Care Environment) inspections and use feedback from these to improve the service we provide.
We have a close partnership with County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust’s (CDDFT) Infection Prevention and Control team and as part of our cleaning provision we offer a “deep cleaning” service.
Our expertise in cleaning NHS environments means that we can offer a Cleaning and Decontamination Advisory Service. This includes helping with the completion of risk assessments to determine cleaning requirements and frequency. Once assessed, we can help you create a cleaning specification including methods and products to use, as well as the implementation of a review/inspection procedure.
Our highly trained staff use modern technology including UVA lighting and HPV (Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour) machines to detect and eliminate pathogens in areas where infection is present or to prevent the spread of infection.
All managers and supervisors are active members of the Northern branch of the Association for Healthcare Cleaning Professionals (AHCP) ensuring the department is involved in national and regional development schemes enhancing, improving, and raising standards through training and development.
The service is ISO9001:2015 accredited.
Key Facts
” I am proud to work with our professional and highly trained staff who ensure compliance with National Standards Healthcare Cleanliness (NSHC) 2021 “
Andy Gallacher, Domestic Services Manager
Key Staff Contact Details
William Thompson, Head of Facilities
07824 895041