Property Team
About Our Service
Accommodation and premises costs are some of the largest any NHS organisation must bear. The Property Team manages, allocates and reports on usage of space across the Trust premises, advising the Trust on space optimisation to secure future efficiency of the estate which in turn will release funds that can be better directed within the organisation and towards patient care.
We regularly review the use of space across all our sites to ensure rationalisation is carried out to achieve these cost savings and efficiencies. The Team manages and formulates detailed, long-term strategic plans specifically related to space optimisation across the Trust’s properties and acts as the main point of contact to building occupants. The Team also covers management of the lease renewals programme and negotiation of occupational agreements, operational implementation of the estates strategy, ensuring the supporting property database is maintained and up to date in order to provide accurate information to Trust colleagues and other external organisations.
The Team supports projects from business case stage to the point of acquiring premises and provides assistance on the project management of accommodation matters.
Our work covers all sites and the properties include:
- 2 acute hospitals
- 6 Community hospitals
- 10 support facilities
- 45 non-inpatient sites
- 19 NHS Property Services buildings
- 36 Community Contract sites
Key Facts
Key Staff Contact Details
Anne Edwards, Property Manager
Eleanor Earl, Property Planning Manager
07919 483217
07803 150731